Amir Kfir, Stephen Hecht Nonflict. The Art of Everyday Peacemaking

Amir Kfir, Stephen Hecht Nonflict. The Art of Everyday Peacemaking

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Менеджмент и управление

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Are you in a conflict with a family member that is causing you pain?Are you spending too much time dealing with conflict at work?Are you at a crossroads in your life and unsure of which direction to take?If you answered yes to any of these questions,Nonflict: The Art of Everyday Peacemaking is for you. “Thank you for the impact Nonflict had on me. It helped me immediately with a vital meeting with my employees and their union. Later my wife and teenage daughter had an explosive argument and I used the Nonflict way to a peaceful resolution. We even embraced with hugs at the end!”—Jason Rosset, CEO, Accuworx“I founded a program to teach Masters level social work to students from the Middle East. Nonflict helped them resolve the most difficult conflicts we could imagine and to take these much needed valuable tools home to share with others.”—Dr. Jim Torczyner, Professor of Social Work, McGill UniversityAuthors Dr. Amir Kfir and Stephen Hecht offer you practical information and easy-to-follow exercises for dealing with conflict, regardless of the cause. You will see how they have mastered the Nonflict way in their own lives, and you will relate to many of these and other revealing examples. Let the Nonflict way guide you to strengthen and build on your relationships at home, at work, or in the community. Soon, you will also realize that conflicts are merely opportunities in disguise.

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