Shand Stringham Benjamin Lockhart.S Animal Farm. A Visionary Tale of the End of Days

Shand Stringham Benjamin Lockhart.S Animal Farm. A Visionary Tale of the End of Days

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Детективы, триллеры

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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FANTASY Benjamin Lockhart worked in the aerospace industry in Florida for almost four decades. But all of the years being tossed around in a high-stress, industry environment had taken its toll. Lockhart was physically tired and emotionally exhausted, and ready for something a little less stressful. And so he and his wife, Martha, picked up stakes and moved to South-Central Pennsylvania, where they purchased a small farm property and prepared to live out the remainder of their days in the peaceful Pennsylvania countryside. It didnt turn out exactly as planned. Following a motorcycle accident and near-death experience, Lockhart found that he could now hear animals talking in his mind. And he was astounded to discover they had a great deal to say. Benjamin Lockharts Animal Farm is a visionary tale of the End of Days when animals which have historically been natural enemies predator and prey unexplainably come together in idyllic harmony alongside man, on a Pennsylvania farmstead. The paradigm shift presents a formidable challenge for Benjamin Lockhart and his neighbors. It isnt an easy transition and Lockhart struggles on a daily basis protecting the animals he befriends and ensuring their safety. For Lockhart and his wife, its just one amazing surprise after another.

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