PhD Shelton Rhodes From the Art of War to Entrepreneurship. All that Glitters is Not Gold

PhD Shelton Rhodes From the Art of War to Entrepreneurship. All that Glitters is Not Gold

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Бизнес образование

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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The transition from war to peace and the necessity to reduce the nation's defense budget has resulted in the downsizing of thousands of service members. Many of these vets will seek new careers or to start businesses. In From the Art of War to Entrepreneurship, author Dr. Shelton Rhodes provides practical information and resources to potential and existing veteran entrepreneurs on how to achieve success in four business niches, and he describes the competitive advantage provided by military service to veteran entrepreneurs. Including lists of resources, books, organizations, and web sites related to the business niches, From the Art of War to Entrepreneurship offers a realistic preview of entrepreneurship opportunities. Success in entrepreneurship is the American dream, but failure to understand the pitfalls can be the American nightmare. While the focus of this book is veteran entrepreneurship, the information in this book is relevant to current and potential entrepreneurs in general.

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