Habitually Healthy Deluxe Keto . Low Carb Food Journal. Making the Keto Diet Easy

Habitually Healthy Deluxe Keto . Low Carb Food Journal. Making the Keto Diet Easy

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Кулинарные книги

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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By taking action and tracking what you eat, you can boost your New Year's healthy resolutions and reinvigorate your ketogenic diet to continue to burn fat all year. The keto & low carb specific journal means no more 'putting square pegs into round holes'. It is tailored for you on a keto diet! No more scribbling net carbs or ketone levels in the margin, this journal is designed by keto-lovers for keto-lovers. Use the simple but effective 4 step method to create lasting change in your health habits, ensuring after 90 days you have not just achieved your goals, you remain motivated and enjoy the process. Track 90 days to reinforce the positive changes in your life. Record all your keto specific measurements; net carbs, ketone levels, intermittent fasting windows and more. Make the keto diet easier, faster and more effective with invaluable guides on how to break through plateaus, how to get back into ketosis in three days (with the least amount of pain possible) and more. Boost your chances of success further using the science of motivation with goal setting, weekly reviews, motivational quotes and more. Reinforce your 'positive feedback loop' with visual results charts. See your progress and take greater action towards your goals. Buy the deluxe journal today and achieve your health goals as well as creating lasting positive habitual changes.

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