Robert Brian Dilts, Judith Ann DeLozier, Deborah Sue Bacon Dilts NLP II. The Next Generation: Enriching the Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience

Robert Brian Dilts, Judith Ann DeLozier, Deborah Sue Bacon Dilts NLP II. The Next Generation: Enriching the Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Популярная психология, саморазвитие

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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NLP II: The Next Generation is about significant new developments in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Founded on the “study of the structure of subjective experience,” NLP has developed some very powerful tools and skills for communication and change in a diverse assortment of professional areas including: coaching, counseling, psychotherapy, education, health, law, business, sales, and parenting. NLP processes and procedures address an impressive range of topics and issues, including the treatment of phobias, traumas and emotional disorders, techniques for accelerated learning, leadership and management skills, conflict resolution, motivation, creativity, physical healing and many others. NLP is now in its third decade as a field of study and has evolved considerably since its beginnings in the mid 1970s. It has been 30 years since the publication of NLP Volume 1. Over these years, NLP has spread around the world and has touched the lives of millions of people. NLP developers and practitioners have continued to expand the boundaries of NLP applications, creating what we consider a new generation of models and applications.This new generation of NLP works with the interaction between three different intelligences or “minds”: • A cognitive mind that emerges from the brain• A somatic mind centered in the body• A “field” mind that emanates from our connection to and relationships with larger systems around us.This book describes the “neurolinguistic” basis for each of ...

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