Sarah Syed Reclaim Your Life. Leaders in the making

Sarah Syed Reclaim Your Life. Leaders in the making

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Популярная психология, саморазвитие

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Touring different phases of life from being over shadowed by seeking help and guidance from assorted genres of people to becoming self-salient, is a journey of many and told by few. Sarah Syed has always been in search of contentment and has been able to successfully self-actualize when she disregarded loneliness and termed it to be an alone time to consistently look for certain direction in life. From her early childhood till youth, she was successful and most optimistically dressed for excitements of life. Mother Nature claimed a few challenges and her past nine years were inundated with unembellished encounters one after the other. The willpower that ran through her genes did not let her fall for any contrast of life and she managed to overcome those challenges on her own. It is a wishful thinking that along with the thankfulness to the great leaders and influencers around the globe, the book gets to touch the lives of people who need earnest admonishments while going through tough times and reprimands for those whose entire life encircles the loop of blame game to listen and follow the mentioned speakers in order to cleanse their souls.

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