Rod Cooke Visionary Leadership and Emotional Management

Rod Cooke Visionary Leadership and Emotional Management

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Маркетинг и продажи

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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In 1990 the digital age was born with the internet providing the pathway to so many new and better ways to do almost everything. Digital entrepreneurs have damaged many analogue business models during the past 25 years. That first digital generation has just ended and it is clear that nothing will ever be the same again - and that change will accelerate to affect most business models as this second digital generation gains pace. Many of these business models are obsolete and must falter and fall. Whatever business you are involved with, at whatever level, you must appreciate that the world has changed and how further changes will inevitably affect your business as this second digital generation begins. The ability to gaze wisely into this likely future is described as "Visionary Leadership." Put simply it is the ability to realize the implications of change and be as ready for it as you can possibly be. It is about planning for change and not reacting too late to events that will damage so many business models during the next 25 years. This challenging second digital generation has just begun.The ability to understand likely future change is part of the answer to reducing the impact of digital risk. The second, and probably of equal importance, is how you train yourself to control your emotions and your attitude, to give yourself the very best chance to lead and manage those you work with. The ability to consider other leaders who you respect and to mirror their skill...

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