Warren Haskin Billy Tankersly in Metal Spikes II

Warren Haskin Billy Tankersly in Metal Spikes II

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Красота, здоровье и спорт

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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Billy Tankersly became one of the youngest players to ever be selected in the first round of the major league baseball draft. His dream team, the Kansas City Royals, had the last pick in the first round and selected Billy. The first book in the series followed Billy through his early years from ages nine to sixteen. It details the work ethic of young Billy and the life lessons he learned from his Little League and Traveling baseball coaches. Metal Spikes II carries the reader through Billy’s first years in the minors, starting with the Lexington Legends. His dream of breaking Ricky Henderson’s stolen base record cannot begin to come true until he reaches the majors. In Metal Spikes II, Billy continually looks for ways to improve his game. Author and Entrepreneur, Warren Haskin, spent his adult life developing training programs to help young people succeed in life. Over the years, he has helped thousands, including one of the men who started what was to become, Men’s Senior Baseball, which is now international. Warren grew up around professional baseball players who were friends with his Dad. Among those who helped teach Warren the finer points of the game were NY Yankees Billy Martin, Mickey Mantle and Hank Bauer.

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