Neil Egan-Ronayne The Case Law Compendium. English . European Law

Neil Egan-Ronayne The Case Law Compendium. English . European Law

Категория: Юридическая литература

Товарная группа: Право

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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As the first part of the Black Letter series of books, The Case Law Compendium was the brainchild of an author who having studied law at a Cambridge university, realised that the primary ingredient for knowledgeable and capable law students is the simplification of case law.Written in a way designed to instill confidence in those new to this demanding subject, the author has meticulously analysed hundreds of leading English and European cases, over thousands of pages of complex judicial text, so as to create a study support resource that will accompany the reader throughout their entire degree course.With over 150 popular case studies across Constitutional & Administrative Law, Contract Law, Criminal Law, Equity and Trust Law, European Law, Family Law, Medical Law, Property (Land) Law and Tort Law, each case is complete with hand-selected and fully OSCOLA referenced, key citations ready for insertion into chosen coursework.While these citations encourage the cohesive presentation of academic work, their footnote to this easily digestible text also expedites learning, improves grade averages and allows for confident discussion in group environments.This unprecedented partnering culminates in an essential study support resource, that while invaluable to undergraduates everywhere, remains a critical reference point for those navigating their academic or legal careers.Be sure to look out for future volumes from Black Letter Publishing, as a number of additional cases and lega...

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