Harvey Hendisson Exotic Shorthair Cats. Exotic Shorthair Cats Owner.s Manual. Exotic Shorthair.s care, personality, grooming, health and feeding all included.

Harvey Hendisson Exotic Shorthair Cats. Exotic Shorthair Cats Owner.s Manual. Exotic Shorthair.s care, personality, grooming, health and feeding all included.

Категория: Словари, справочники и энциклопедии

Товарная группа: Энциклопедии, справочники

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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The Exotic Shorthair is a lovely breed: intelligent, laid-back, loving, relaxed, playful and loyal. This book provides a great deal of helpful factual and practical information on the Exotic Shorthair cat's history, temperament and what it needs in order to be happy and healthy. It also contains material that is not specific or unique to the breed but that is relevant for any cat owner.If you are considering buying an Exotic Shorthair you will find honest information about the advantages and disadvantages of these cats so that you can make a balanced and considered decision that takes the nature of the cat, your personality and your lifestyle into account.If you already own an Exotic Shorthair, the contents of this book will help you to make the most of your wonderful companion and keep him or her well cared for. There are a number of practical tips, lists and checklists to help you to become the cat owner your feline friend needs you to be.For those who have these wonderful cats and are considering breeding with them, this book is for you too as it provides general information about heat cycles, mating, pregnancy and birth and details that will make you far better prepared for the responsibilities that go with being a Exotic Shorthair breeder. Finally, this book is for all the cat people who are just interested to learn about this sweet natured and tempered breed... or those with curious minds who want to discover information about this breed or cat breeds in general.Cov...

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