Roland Ruthersdale Pet Chickens. Keeping Chickens as Pets. Raising Chickens In Your Backyard. A Beginners Guide.

Roland Ruthersdale Pet Chickens. Keeping Chickens as Pets. Raising Chickens In Your Backyard. A Beginners Guide.

Категория: Словари, справочники и энциклопедии

Товарная группа: Энциклопедии, справочники

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For over 3000 years, people have been domesticating chickens. They were always valued for the eggs and the meat that they produced. Surprisingly, the chicken rearing industry is a relatively new one considering how many people across the globe actually consume the meat and the eggs derived from them. Today, chickens are even more valued as people have understood their role as faithful companions and great backyard birds. The practise of keeping and rearing chickens has even extended to the urban set up today and people actually have pet chickens that they develop very strong attachments to. If you are a first time chicken owner, this book is your comprehensive guide to chicken care. Everything that you need to know about the health and proper development of your birds is in this book. This book takes you step by step through various chicken care practises that can be slightly intimidating for first time pet owners. You can read about common issues like feeding, housing and healthcare for backyard chickens. I do hope that this book is as informative as I intended it to be. It is simple and fun to read, I assure you. So, here is wishing you pleasant times with your beloved backyard chickens.Covered in this book:- History- Behavior- Best chickens to bring home- Preparing your home- Housing- Daily care- Interacting- Transporting- Managing the eggs- Health and well being- Costs.... and a lot more

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