Themes from A Course in Miracles. How Brothers Can Get Along

Themes from A Course in Miracles. How Brothers Can Get Along

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Эзотерика и спиритизм

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Who is your brother? Anyone and everyone within the sphere of your day: whoever you may come across. That's the challenge presented in A Course in Miracles (ACIM): to treat everyone as a brother with forgiveness, cooperation and empathy. The unique thing about ACIM is that it tells you how.The ACIM text was channeled by Columbia University Professor Helen Schucman and recorded by Professor William Thetford. It took them seven years. The channeled entity is Jesus Christ and the subject matter is the desires of God the Father-Creator with the Holy Spirit as teacher and guide. Every one of us is considered to be a son of God. The perception of a gap between our self and our brother is the problem that ACIM addresses. In spite of ego, fear and a tendency to attack one another, we are able to find within ourselves the love and light required to make the decision to create, to share and to heal. The miracle that closes the gap between us is forgiveness. We just need a little faith, and God does the rest.This book is a way in. Chapter by chapter, a theme or quote from each page summarizes the 600-page ACIM text. It makes an easy reference and provides discussion points. Original photography by the editor illustrates messages in the text.

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