John Curry, Donald Featherstone Donald Featherstone.s Wargames through the Ages Volume 2. A Wargaming Guide to 1420 to 1783 A.D

John Curry, Donald Featherstone Donald Featherstone.s Wargames through the Ages Volume 2. A Wargaming Guide to 1420 to 1783 A.D

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Дом и хобби

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Wargames through the Ages was first published to fill a gap in literature of the hobby of wargaming. It was a one volume summary of what was loosely called the Horse and Musket period. Each chapter assesses the techniques and fighting methods of the opposing forces and indeed, the battel descriptions are often sufficiently colourful to inspire reconstruction. In discussing how this can best be simulated on a table-top battlefield the author gives comprehensive information as to contemporary styles of warfare which provides a basis for the formulation of rules. Thus, the role of the book is to suggest rudimentary ideas that will stimulate the reader into experimenting until he has perfected and polished them into soundly constructed rules that suit both his temperament and his personal conception of warfare. The book is published by the History of Wargaming Project as part of ongoing work to document the development of wargaming.

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