Debra J. Salter Smith Don.T Settle for a Fall. Getting Primed to Finish the Race.

Debra J. Salter Smith Don.T Settle for a Fall. Getting Primed to Finish the Race.

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Mankind has progressed to an age filled with people who have never heard of or been taught about God. Others have an awareness of him yet deny his existence based on negative reports or experiences with acclaimed Christians. There are also the loyal churchgoers who have become complacent in the religious traditions set in place. They are giving the appearance of right living in Christ but not partaking in the love and abundant life that is promised. It is unfortunate that these people have disqualified and rejected God based on another persons actions or beliefs. Dont Settle for a Fall was written to assist nonbelievers and believers alike to discover or rediscover Christianity as it was originally established by Jesus Christ. Its ultimate purpose is to create an opportunity for people to develop a relationship with God. The Holy Spirit-inspired words in this book will: Provide understanding of who God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are and the importance of developing an intimate relationship with them; Explain what Christianity is and Christians responsibility in the earth is; Clarify the purpose of the church; Explain what it means for Christians to fall; and Encourage those weak in faith to continue their spiritual race despite what other people say or do.

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