Hilda Kleiman The Ecumenical Work of the Icon

Hilda Kleiman The Ecumenical Work of the Icon

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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The Ecumenical Work of the Icon is an invitation to the students and faculties of Catholic seminaries to be a part of the tradition of the icon through the lens of ecumenis. With a view of ecumenism as lived in both the Roman Catholic and Orthodox traditions, the visual theological language of the icon may be engaged more fully and respectfully, thus enriching the theological education and future ministry of those who learn and teach in a Catholic setting. In the third portion of the book, readers are offered multiple practical pedagogical examples of how to integrate teaching and learning about the icon into seminary courses and beyond, including writing assignments, oral presentations, and hands-on activities.""Hilda Kleiman's The Ecumenical Work of the Icon brings together a variety of insights of the author garnered from her own lived religious experience, her expertise in English language/literature, and her knowledge and skills in iconography. This insightful and creative synthesis will greatly enrich the spiritual horizons of all readers across the ecumenical spectrum.""--Owen F. Cummings, Regents' Professor of Theology, Mount Angel Seminary""Dr. Kleiman's work confirms the ecumenical history and presence of the icon within our time. Her engaging prose invites readers and icon viewers alike into the conversation about the icon: its ecumenism, tradition, theology, canon, and teaching. She also includes practical application methods fo...

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