J. Rodney Taylor The Signs of the Christ. A New Perspective on the Gospel of John (Textbook)

J. Rodney Taylor The Signs of the Christ. A New Perspective on the Gospel of John (Textbook)

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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The Gospel of John is the quintessential “odd man out.” It is the unique Gospel among all four and presents Jesus in a very special light. The key to understanding the Gospel of John is an awareness of its purpose. John was not interested in offering a biography of Jesus. His purpose was to “prove” that Jesus was the Messiah.John accomplished his purpose by drawing attention to the seven signs Jesus tendered during his ministry on earth. By focusing on the signs, John revealed the work of God the Father through his Son. And that work advances proof of his Messiahship.The Signs of the Christ is a unique book. It explains Christ's signs and manifestations in a way that no one has to date. The reader is drawn into a world of theological wonder, the result of which is a deeper insight into this marvelous, Christ-honoring work.A separate Teacher’s Guide (ISBN: 978-1-61314-382-7) and Study Guide (ISBN: 978-1-61314-380-3) are also available. The Signs of the Christ book is integrated with the Teacher's Guide, and Study Guide--helping small group leaders, pastors, professors, and scholars seamlessly introduce their constituents to the depths and riches of the Gospel of John.Dr. J. Rodney Taylor, the author, is a native of Pensacola, Florida. His professional career began as an editor and included many roles: adjunct professor, minister of music, pastor, sr. pastor, sports writer, sr. newspaper writer—and for thirty-six years—president of a company he founded.Rodney holds a ba...

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