Philip Arkoh, Jonathan Korley Fulfilling Your Destiny

Philip Arkoh, Jonathan Korley Fulfilling Your Destiny

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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My dear, your destiny was determined in the womb because, God knew you before you were formed, and He designed what you should become even before you came out of the womb. Heaven has a record of you and there are angels who report back to God concerning your life. You are a man of honor, so rise up and become what you were made to be. You are God?s given answer and solution, so do not fret. Just respond to destiny?s call. The world is waiting for your manifestation, man of influence. You are not ordinary. Forget your past and forge on. It is not about where or what you have been, but what you can become. Discover who you are and where you fit in life and pursue it. Become what God wants you to be and you will be a great blessing to your nation and the world in general. Stop calling yourself worthless when the Lord says that you are worthy? Why do you brand yourself a non-entity when the Lord says you are important? God does not make anything unimportant. Everything He made, He said it was good. You can be very useful. All you have got to do is to make a discovery of yourself. Know who you are and what you stand for, and you will be on your way to achieving great feat in this life. The fulfillment of your destiny is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to you.

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