Peter Downey Everything You Want to Know about the Bible. Well...Maybe Not Everything but Enough to Get You Started

Peter Downey Everything You Want to Know about the Bible. Well...Maybe Not Everything but Enough to Get You Started

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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It's the bestselling book ever. It's been translated into more than 2,000 languages. It's changed people's lives around the world. No, it's not Thin Thighs in 30 Days . . . it's the Bible!Yet the Bible remains about as well-understood to many people as your typical software license agreement-and about as exciting. That's too bad, because the Bible is exciting, and it doesn't have to be a mystery.Whether you're new to the Bible and think the book of Job is a guide to finding the perfect career, or your rusty Bible knowledge needs a spit-and-polish, or you just want a fresh look at the book you've read so many times, this is the book for you. No dry theological treatise, it's written in an engaging, humorous style you will enjoy. In short, readable chapters, the authors first answer some basic questions: Who wrote the Bible? Is it accurate? How do you find your way around it? And how did Noah fit all those animals into the ark anyway? (Well, maybe not that, but there's still plenty of trivia in there.) Then they take you on a guided tour from Genesis to Revelation, summarizing important people, events, and themes. You'll get a good foundation for understanding and an excitement for reading this most important of books, the Bible."The title says it all! It's an inspiring trailer for the Best Book in the World. Read it front to back or just dip in-either way it does the biz." -Rob Lacey, author of the word on the str...

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