Lauren E Miller Hearing His Whisper. With Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Lauren E Miller Hearing His Whisper. With Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Hearing His Whisper is intimate conversations with Jesus through the challenges of life, including two of life's top stressors. You will discover a portal into the un-manifested spiritual dimension that ultimately leads to internal freedom, inner strength, self-love and acceptance through and with the source of love itself. The world screams and God whispers, as you pause and lean your personality into Jesus' loving kindness you will release the grip you have on those shiny objects that create stress and anxiety and hold you back from the freedom Christ died to give you. Hearing His Whisper is grab and go inspiration that you can use in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life. In this second edition Lauren sets up the reader up by offering a safe container through which you can unpack and apply the phrases and insights that land in your heart. You will get a glimpse of Jesus' love and faithfulness in the eye of the storm as you walk with Lauren through every day inconveniences and emotional triggers into two of life's top stressors at the same time. An attachment is an emotional state of clinging due to the belief that without some specific outcome. situation or circumstance you cannot be happy. You will learn the power of releasing attachments as you resurrect your identity in Christ. With every storm and hardship Jesus comes too and along with an opportunity to re-engage the powerful, courageous spirit that Christ died to empower you with. Once your sourc...

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