Martin Cohen Metaphor. Its Therapeutic Use and Construction

Martin Cohen Metaphor. Its Therapeutic Use and Construction

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Популярная психология, саморазвитие

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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This book helps counselors/therapists in all treatment modalities effectively use the extended metaphor as a therapeutic tool. It is a needed addition to every therapist's tool kit. The book will show you how to create a personalized and carefully constructed metaphor to reach a resistant client. This is especially important when we consider that each client is an individual and requires treatment specific to his or her needs. You will find a detailed description of the components used to create original therapeutic metaphors in a step-by-step fashion along with a rich and varied collection of metaphor examples. Two full-length annotated metaphors are provided to help you effect positive change in your clients. This book is a must for all mental health professionals.""As a practicing clinician, I found this book to be interesting and intellectually stimulating. The author's wide-ranging and insightful examination of the uses of metaphor can help any thoughtful practitioner. It deserves a spot on every psychotherapist's bookshelf.""--Linda C. Saisselin, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Private Practice, New York City""Martin Cohen gave a very thorough explanation of the value of metaphors and why they are important in life and useful in therapy. The metaphors he presents are very helpful, especially the two that are annotated at the end of the book.""--Hope Lane, Therapist, Center for Family Development, Eugene, Oregon""I thi...

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