Ernst Cenege Be More To Be A Better You. A Practical Guide to Creating True Transformation and Mastering a New Visionary Identity

Ernst Cenege Be More To Be A Better You. A Practical Guide to Creating True Transformation and Mastering a New Visionary Identity

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Популярная психология, саморазвитие

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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This book provide the way to be an outstanding human being in the road of life. It's designing to help you discover the right path that will increase your level of awareness and enhance your strength to stand your way out in becoming a highly achiever. This book is based on pure experience in daily basis practicing by the world's class highly performers that have been use their strong potential and act in a unique way with such inner love and passion to breakthrough the top of their industry. Their master self-awareness, changing their status quo to their lifestyle they want to live. "Be More To Be A Better You" will teach you how to start solving problems, taking you to an acceleration path that will transform your life and behaviors. Convert the bad habits that hold you back into new way of thinking that will move you beyond your small world and get you to a new world of possibilities. Master your life by mastering your mind and emotions. You will be able to live more fully and engage to make your life successful bright at everything you do. You will discover throughout these pages by reading this book: -How to increase your level of awareness and provide you the strength that will enable you to turn your uncertainty into your advantage. - Raise your level of confidence and empower you to overcome the fear blocks by helping you thinking strategically, have a better view meanwhile you shift your perspective of your world. -How to improve the quality and abili...

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