John E. Siers The Moon and Beyond. Book I in the Saga of the Lunar Free State

John E. Siers The Moon and Beyond. Book I in the Saga of the Lunar Free State

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Фантастика и фэнтези

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Ian Stevens, Director of the Deep Space Research Institute, has a hidden agenda. While the rest of the world (including the U.S. Government) thinks the DSRI is primarily engaged in pure research—astronomy, astrophysics, and computer science—Ian has a few other projects going on, mostly related to manned space travel. This comes at a time when NASA is all but defunct, few scientific probes are being launched, and almost everything that goes up into Earth orbit involves government-owned hardware designed for Earth surveillance. No one even talks about human spaceflight any more, and any such projects would be frowned upon by the government, especially when conducted without government supervision.A billionaire in his own right (and with the backing of several multinational corporations), Stevens has assembled a crew of the best scientists and engineers he can find, including a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who has unlocked the secrets of gravity itself. With engineering genius Mick O'Hara, ex-USAF test pilot Lorna Greenwood, and former Navy Seal Charlie Bender to maintain operational security, the DSRI is secretly building and testing several gravity-powered spacecraft.Now, if they can just manage to get it done without being noticed by the cyber-spies of the NSA, the watchdogs of Homeland Security, the IRS, OSHA, and a half-dozen other government agencies that might be upset over their activities, they might actually succeed. And they do have the world's smartest compu...

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