Tommy Lee Davis (Pops) Asim.S Extraordinary Journeys. Book 1: All for the Children

Tommy Lee Davis (Pops) Asim.S Extraordinary Journeys. Book 1: All for the Children

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Фантастика и фэнтези

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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In a magical time where monsters, warlocks, and wicked kings rule the lands, a quiet night in a village is disrupted by a kings army riding in on horseback. After the soldiers snatch all the male children, they shackle them to a raggedy cart and disappear into the darkness, leaving villagers dead and their houses burning.After a villager, Tonas, and a small group make a pact to return their children home, they travel deep into the forest in search of Asim, a courageous warrior known to aid the oppressed. When Asim and his warriors agree to help, the two groups embark on an extraordinary yet perilous journey through forests, rivers, hillsides, and great mountains where they encounter dragons, monsters, goblins, warlocks, and witches who continually place their lives in jeopardy. After recruiting a strange assortment of dwarfs, women, and robbers, the band continues to the castle where they must battle the king, his guards, and a warlock to regain the children. But will they win the battle and bring the boys home or perish trying?In this fantasy tale, a warrior and a group of villagers journey through epic battles with monsters, dragons, and warlocks to rescue children stolen by a wicked king.

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