Solitaire Parke Daughter of the Dark Lord, Part One, The Burning Sky

Solitaire Parke Daughter of the Dark Lord, Part One, The Burning Sky

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Фантастика и фэнтези

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Prophecy has foretold of a female child who will liberate the oppressed Denizen citizens within the Provinces. The Dark Lord has held them in tyranny for far too long and they anxiously await their freedom. A daughter named Katherine is born to the Dark Lord, and she both amazes and confounds him from day one. On her first birthday she is gifted with a dragon egg, which hatches, and her lifelong friend, Exxa, is born. The dragon becomes her constant companion and protector. Katherine is extremely intelligent, headstrong, and has surprising skills and strange abilities, of which not even her father is aware. As she grows older, she realizes the Dark Lord is a cruel and heartless monarch who cares little for her or anyone else, and so she decides to follow her own path into unknown territory. Who is she really, and how will her life affect the fate of those she cares about, the citizens of the Provinces, and the future? This is an exciting Prequel to the three books in the Dragomeir Series!

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