Matthias Kistl How can the euro area crisis be solved in the long run.

Matthias Kistl How can the euro area crisis be solved in the long run.

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Менеджмент и управление

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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The preservation of the Monetary Union for Europe is linked to the future of a whole continent. The currency crisis impacts everybody. It is unequivocal that major efforts were necessary to prevent the break-up of the euro area. However, some of the countermeasures led to disagreements and fierce criticism. A long-term solution must be found. Many proposals haven been contributed in order to do so but are they both expedient and agreeable?This publication approaches this question by beginning with a brief theoretical introduction about the fundamental advantages and disadvantages of the Monetary Union. Based on this, the history of the crisis of the euro system is described. It becomes clear that a key problem in finding a solution is the disagreement about the causes of the currency crisis. Further chapters summarize which rescue measures were used and analyze how they are already solving the weaknesses of the euro. Here, the reader will see that there is a long way before the Monetary Union stands on a stable framework. In this book, suggested solutions are discussed and analyzed, before finally a combination of different solutions is emphasized.In this book:- Monetary Union,- Currency Crisis,- Euro Reforms,- History of the euro.

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