Bernhard Prantl Valuing young companies. A member-based approach

Bernhard Prantl Valuing young companies. A member-based approach

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Менеджмент и управление

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Diploma Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Business economics - Miscellaneous, grade: Distinction (90), University of Bradford (School of Management), course: Applied Management and Enterprise, language: English, abstract: Purpose: This study sought to enhance the process of valuing young companies with a high potential for growth, by considering the link between the member base and the market value of the company. Outcomes were supposed to be an increase in predictive potential concerning young companies and their value as investments. A potential integration of more accurate methods would lead to a significant rise in profits for investment companies. Moreover, the resulting increase in trust in risky projects through better understanding of their value would also increase the number of new innovations. Hence, more funding would be available due to decreasing investment risk.Methodology: Following the Platonist philosophy proposed by Lomas (2011), the study incorporated three steps. First, an intensive investigation revealed factors which have an impact on the value of companies, and evaluated traditional approaches. The second step was to predict the potential of the new methods based on the member base of the organisation. Finally, the last step was deployed in a mixed case study approach following the recommendations of Yin (2009), where these predictions were challenged. In particular, LinkedIn, Xing and Viadeo were chosen to challenge the proposed method based on...

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