Qadar Mohd Suki Religiosity . Organizational Commitment Towards Life Satisfaction

Qadar Mohd Suki Religiosity . Organizational Commitment Towards Life Satisfaction

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Менеджмент и управление

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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A research about muslim employees to see how far religion plays a role in commitment towards the organization and the relationship with the work attitude and life satisfaction. The research is vital because Islam perceive work as part of deeds, thus employee must fulfill the job diligently and honestly. Generally, the muslim employees are committed to the organization, however their work behavior and life satisfaction varies though their belief is one. This phenomenon had caused an interest to the researcher to understand why it happens and to further see the linkage between each other.The research was done through quantitative method and analysed using the SPSS. The result obtained showed that the variables are positive but in a weak relationship. It is because the understanding and practice of the respondents towards Islam is not wholly, it is only the relationship between an individual and the creator or towards the compulsory deeds only. Thus, the exposure about the knowledge on religion that covers the organizational aspect and work must be explained throughout, as well as the steps towards loving their organization.

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