Muhammad Yasir Arslan Study of the relationship between employees. commitment, job satisfaction, job safety, job autonomy and employees. turnover intention in a Construction Industry

Muhammad Yasir Arslan Study of the relationship between employees. commitment, job satisfaction, job safety, job autonomy and employees. turnover intention in a Construction Industry

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Маркетинг и продажи

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2017 in the subject Business economics - Marketing, Corporate Communication, CRM, Market Research, Social Media, grade: 85, University of Canberra (School of Management, Faculty of Business, Government & Law), course: Master of Business Administration, language: English, abstract: Objective of this is study to analyse the casual relationships between employees' commitment, job satisfaction, job autonomy and job safety in models of employees' turnover intention. Therefore, causal model comprising five variables: one dependent (employees' turnover intention) and four independent/controlled variables (job satisfaction, employees' commitment, safety at job and job autonomy) is formulated.Construction companies cannot flourish and fulfil their customer's needs when their employees are dissatisfied, restricted by too many policies and instructions, not committed to the organization, and are facing significant job hazardousness in their daily assigned tasks. Considerable research has been devoted to develop predictive models of employees' turnover intention, job satisfaction, employees' commitment, job autonomy and safety at work place among the past commonly proposed antecedents. Individual studies have generally supported hypothesized linkages among turnover and these variables. Satisfaction, commitment, job autonomy and job safety for instance, have invariably been reported to be negatively related to emp...

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