Beway Bakir Kellogg.s "To Go" Breakfast-Shake at the Danish Market

Beway Bakir Kellogg.s

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Маркетинг и продажи

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Seminar paper from the year 2014 in the subject Business economics - Marketing, Corporate Communication, CRM, Market Research, Social Media, University of Hertfordshire, language: English, abstract: In the USA, Kellogg's launched "To Go" breakfast drinks back in 2013, targeting both males and females that are health conscious but who skip breakfast because of a busy lifestyle (Vierhile, 2013 and Kellogg', a). The reason for this introduction might perhaps have been due to the changing eating behaviour in the USA and the falling cereal market (Choi, 2013) and (The New York Times, 2013). As the same scenario is present in Denmark there is a need for presenting a non-cereal product to the market. Indeed, sales figures show a slight fall in sales from 2010-2012 ( According to Ansoff this approach would be: presenting a new product to an existing market (McDonald & Meldrum, 2013) as Kellogg's currently has several products on this market (Kellogg' This report therefore aims to carry out a marketing plan for Kellogg's "To Go" breakfast shake on the Danish market.Gilligan & Hird (1986) suggests that before applying any strategies in a marketing plan, it is imperative that market analyses are carried out. This is therefore made to determine if there is an existing market and to be able to apply strategies based on the analyses.

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