Dale Geiger Cost Management and Control in Government. A Proven, Practical Leadership Driven Management Approach to Fighting the Cost War in Government

Dale Geiger Cost Management and Control in Government. A Proven, Practical Leadership Driven Management Approach to Fighting the Cost War in Government

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Бухгалтерский учет

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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Government organizations spend enormous amounts and employ a large percentageof the work force. They have an undeniably huge impact on the national economyand wealth, but remain to be, for the most part, unmanaged. Governmentscan and should run better, and this book can help.Written by Dr. Dale Geiger, who has spent the last 22 years studying the motivation, role, and development of management control processes and managerialcost accounting systems in government, this book looks at how governmentcan move from "rule driven" to "leadership driven" management. Specifically, itdocuments and discusses specific examples of successful cost informed decisionmaking and cost management and control in government. It also delineates therequirements of such success and explores the special needs of transforming themanagement culture of government from its well-embedded past practices to anew paradigm of leadership driven management.What passes for management is a combination of oversight and audit. Oversightis primarily reactive: offering negative feedback for failures and demandingadditional rules and regulations to prevent reoccurrences. Audits look for "bright line" discrepancies and clear violations to those rules and regulations. Working in tandem, these processes provide indignant sound bites and the appearance of management that is really mindless compliance to rules. This book takes a detailed look at all this and the intricacies of our "unmanaged" ...

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