ECGBL 2018 - 12th European Conference on Game Based Learning

ECGBL 2018 - 12th European Conference on Game Based Learning

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Популярная психология, саморазвитие

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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These proceedings represent the work of contributors to the 12th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL 2018), hosted this year by SKEMA Business School, Sophia Antipolis, France on 4-5 October 2018. The Conference Chair is Dr Melanie Cuissi and the Programme Co-Chairs are Dr Sophie Gay Anger and Dr Margarida Romero.ECGBL is a well-established event on the academic research conference calendar and now in its 12th year the key aim remains the opportunity for participants to share ideas and meet the people who hold them. The scope of papers will ensure an interesting two days. The subjects covered illustrate the wide range of topics that fall into this important and ever-growing area of research. For the 5th year the conference has also played host to the International Educational Games Competitions. The opening keynote presentation is given by Dr Sylvester Arnab from Coventry University's Disruptive Media Learning Lab (DMLL) on the topic of “The Magic Circle of Playful and Gameful Co-Creation”. Then an afternoon keynote will be given by Dr Eric Sanchez from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, with the talk entitled “Don’t Forget the Beans!”. The second day of the conference will open with an address by Dr Jacob Habgood from Sheffield University, who will be discussing “Do Books Work? (and other questions we probably shouldn’t ask)”.

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