Docjan Playing with Words. Docjan Educational Series Volume I: User Friendly Adult and Child Interaction Books to Stimulate Holistic Development.

Docjan Playing with Words. Docjan Educational Series Volume I: User Friendly Adult and Child Interaction Books to Stimulate Holistic Development.

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Популярная психология, саморазвитие

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Docjan series author has wealth of experience in assessing children's general growth and development from birth to secondary school stages.Has two children of own who have themselves completed higher education to university level. Has at least decades of medical knowledge and identifies with others in promoting healthy growth of the individual, especially working with parents and teachers at their homes and schools respectively. The slant of the books are therefore deliberately trying to enforce holistic growth of the child.Though not professing to be a clinical psychologist, the author has worked in collaboration with teachers, doctors, psychologist and social workers to ensure healthy growth and social integration among children. Consequently, the author being aware of the influence of nurture on nature has incorporated some of the remedial exercises to promote this.There are positive trade of for not including 'baby talk' in the stories as doing so will delay assimilation of academic knowledge and sugest that children should be read to as early as the first few months from birth . They have propensity to absorb as much information as can be suppliedIn other words, when does a child cease to be a child, is it when s/he stops drinking milk, complete junior schooling, when s/he is in command of words or when s/he reproduces another child. At various stages in ones life, one could exhibit childish tendencies just as some children (as defined by social strata by age...

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