Jeanne Bendick Archimedes and the Door of Science

Jeanne Bendick Archimedes and the Door of Science

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Развитие ребенка

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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2018 Reprint of 1962 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition. Not reproduced with Optical Recognition software. Illustrated Edition. With such inventions as the compound pulley and the Archimedean screw he provided the foundation for the sciences of mechanics and hydrostatics. And his original work as a geometrician gave modern geometry many of its basic tools. In a biography full of lively incidents, Bendick introduces Archimedes, mathematician, inventor, and great pioneer of modern scientific method. Jeanne Bendick, through text and pictures, manages to bring to life this famed mathematician who so influenced all later science. Contents:Who was Archimedes? -- The world of Archimedes -- Alexandria! -- Archimedes and his lever -- Archimedes and Kin Heiro's crown -- Archimedes and astronomy -- Archimedes and mathematics -- The measurement of a circle -- Archimedes and numbers -- Archimedes and the centers of gravity -- The sphere and the cylinder -- The war machines of Archimedes -- The end of Archimedes -- No end to Archimedes -- Archimedes' writings.

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