Kerry Nelson Selman Crystal Resonance 2. High Vibrational Healing from the Earth and Beyond

Kerry Nelson Selman Crystal Resonance 2. High Vibrational Healing from the Earth and Beyond

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Красота, здоровье и спорт

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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To heal is to make whole. At our very essence, we are Spirit, and Crystal Resonance 2 is here with more life-enhancing and life-affirming tools to help us navigate this life in physical, and heal that which limits us being all that we choose to be!This second book in the Crystal Resonance series continues exploration of the healing available to us when crystals, essentials oils, and essences from Mother Earth are specifically combined to facilitate our innate connection to archangels, guides and teachers, and our Higher Self.We are introduced to the synergy, healing, and life-enhancing resonance of fourteen new crystal combinations, and once again Kerry shares her own inspirational and personal moments of wonder with these healing combinations. The wonder and healing tools we are naturally gifted await you in Crystal Resonance 2! Meditations, affirmations, and easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions to support your decision to heal and be all that you choose to be! High vibrational combinations and practices to enhance conscious connection and guidance from archangels and spirit guides. Links to the fourteen guided meditations on the Crystal Resonance YouTube channel.The combinations and practices shared in Crystal Resonance 2 are fourteen from Kerry’s own Vibrational Oneness practice, which was recognized as an approved healing modality in 2013. These fourteen combinations make a total of twenty-seven Vibrational Oneness combinations and practices that Kerry has shared ove...

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