Richard G Lowe Jr How to Publish on Kindle. Everything You Need to Know to get your Book Published on Amazon Kindle

Richard G Lowe Jr How to Publish on Kindle. Everything You Need to Know to get your Book Published on Amazon Kindle

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Биографии, мемуары

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Finally! Simple Instructions for Publishing on KindleDo you wish there was one book about publishing on Amazon Kindle that would be the go-to book for everything you need to know? Are you tired of having to buy multiple books on the subject to make sure you have all of the information you need to publish your Kindle books successfully?Well now you do with Richard Lowe's How to Publish on Kindle: Everything You Need to Know to get your Book Published on Amazon Kindle. It is the go-to guide that will teach you everything from A to Z about publishing on Kindle. No more buying several books to get all of the knowledge needed to get your books on Amazon. He explains it all in an easy to read manner without all of the jargon common to most of these kinds of books that leave you scratching your head. This book is all you will need to become a success with your publishing goals at Kindle Amazon.How to Publish on the KindleIn this book, you will learn the importance of spending time and thought on your cover, the importance of editing, exactly how to categorize your title for best sales results, the different formats and which is the best one. Richard explains why publishing a series is a great idea, and why you may not need an ISBN number, and so much more. He even gives you links to handy tools to choose the best keywords for your book description and how to get your book translated to sell all over the world! Why is it important that you list your book as published by a company...

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