Fenghua Tang Marketing strategies of Chinese companies

Fenghua Tang Marketing strategies of Chinese companies

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Маркетинг и продажи

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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Ten or fifteen years ago global business was mainly in the hands of a select number of multinational giants. Small and medium-sized business concentrated on their home markets and perhaps one or two neighboring countries. Not so any longer. Even the smallest businesses have realized that they have something to market in distant countries. Under these circumstances, Chinese companies of all sizes in various industries have recently opened to foreign competition. According to the Chinese Commerce Ministry's new release on relevant report, the Chinese foreign investment reached a new record of 26,51 billion US-Dollars in 2007. This represented a growth of 25,3 percent compared to 2006. After the quantity expansion, the quality offensive comes silently. Today, Chinese companies throw not only millions of T-Shirts, toys or plastic bowls in the international market but also wireless LCD-televisions, telecom-equipment and precision tools as well. Chinese companies have realized that a competitive advantage based on low costs, low prices and large quantities in a global economy cannot defend itself long. Consequently, they focus consistently on innovation and brands. In addition, China's globalization also needs strong mental forces. China does not just want to be a world factory, but instead be an internationally competitive market place that Western competitors already are.In the involvement of Chinese companies abroad aimed at specific markets, several strategies are recog...

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