John Curry, Phil Dunn Phil Dunn.s Your World at War Rules for Global Wargaming Campaigns 1939-45 Including Naval, Land and Air Operations

John Curry, Phil Dunn Phil Dunn.s Your World at War Rules for Global Wargaming Campaigns 1939-45 Including Naval, Land and Air Operations

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Phil Dunn, founder of the Naval Wargaming Society and author, presents his World War II era campaign rules.This book documents the rules for one of the classic wargaming campaigns of early British Wargaming. Phil Dunn created global wargames using simple rules to allow players to run large scale world wars. Each player prioritises their production between naval, air and land forces and then decides on which units to build. Straightforward rules are used to control movement on the maps and arbitrate combat in the three domains of warfare. The battles can be resolved using dice rolls or, for critical battles, transferred to be fought out on the table top. The book also includes two smaller games which are eminently suitable for a solo wargamer; The Battle of Britain and Operation Sealion. This is Phil Dunn's third wargaming book. The History of Wargaming Project is edited by John Curry. It aims to present the very best wargaming books and rules to a modern audience.

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