Nicole S. Oliver Snyder Leading Together

Nicole S. Oliver Snyder Leading Together

Категория: Эзотерика

Товарная группа: Религия

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Diversity and equality are terms swamping social media, news outlets, and campuses these days. While the desire for diversity may be sincere it is also superficial. With genuine diversity there is a profusion of perspectives. Yet when ideas and arguments are limited to ""tweets"" forgotten to another fleeting proclamation any hope for reasoned reflection is lost. How do leaders keep up and effectively lead? Nicole Oliver Snyder describes how mindfulness and spiritual practices are both in the DNA of Christian tradition and are powerful to unite. Intentional time to consider divergent ideas makes space to recognize the ideas for what they are--and see their value in addition, rather than contrary to one's own. Encountering limited traction due to the inherent reality of information overload in our super-connected daily experience makes applying these practices all the more imperative. This book describes research and a possible way for leaders to lead together collaboratively, with equity and unbounded diversity.Here, Dr. Snyder explores what it means to live God's image as a leader, drawing from scripture and theology, neuroscience, and the behavioral sciences. This book is academic and practical, and the start of a discussion about what ""good"" and ""successful"" leadership might look like.""I am convinced that wholeness and maturity will continue to elude the church until we at last take seriously the need to ...

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