Paige Robinson 250. Fundraising Ideas for Your Charity, Society, School and PTA

Paige Robinson 250. Fundraising Ideas for Your Charity, Society, School and PTA

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Популярная психология, саморазвитие

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Containing over 250 practical and effective fundraising ideas, this is an essential book for anyone raising money for charities, hospices, societies, churches, clubs, as well as schools and their PTA. From the sublime (a sponsored blindfold) to the ridiculous (a fancy dress fun run), there is something for every fundraiser in this book. Covering sponsorship ideas, raffles and lotteries, collections and donations, games and activities, things to sell as well as providing many different events and themes you can organise, this indispensible guide also looks at how to use outside businesses effectively as well as social networking sites and the internet. In addition to all this, it provides a diary of awareness dates and important historical anniversaries so you can link your fundraising to national and international activities for maximum publicity. All royalties from the sale of this book are donated to a national children's charity.Overall, an excellent and affordable source of fundraising ideas, inspiration and advice for charities, hospices, societies, clubs, schools, PTAs and anyone wanting to raise money for a good cause.

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