Nina Brown Return of Love to Planet Earth. Memoir of a Reluctant Visionary

Nina Brown Return of Love to Planet Earth. Memoir of a Reluctant Visionary

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Биографии, мемуары

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Nina Brown’s illuminating narrative, "Return of Love to Planet Earth: Memoir of a Reluctant Visionary," describes her voyage as she ascends to the highest frequencies of love using the secrets of S.T.A.R.: surrender, trust, allow, receive. Her ten-year alchemical journey illustrates for each one of us the simple yet challenging path to our own spiritual ascent.At once a remarkable memoir and an inspiring guide, this book provides:The truth about triple dates—01/01/01 to 12/12/12—and their role in humanity’s ascension.Diverse theories about changes in human consciousness and how to welcome them.A comprehensive glossary of esoteric terms such as “ascended masters,” “crystalline grid,” and “DNA recoding.”Information on how to embrace our inherent divinity and consciously enter the Age of the Golden DolphinsMost importantaly, the author provides a safe space for the reader to contemplate the primal questions: Who am I? Why am I here? From where did I come? leading to the conclusion that we are divine humans creators of and responsible for our reality.

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