Ev Nau The Time of My Life

Ev Nau The Time of My Life

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Биографии, мемуары

Продавец: Интернет-магазин ozon.ru

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While driving home from a long trip, Ev Nau was thinking about some events in his youth and suddenly realized that he knew very little about his own father's youth. As his trip continued, he further discovered that his own grandchildren really didn't know him either. So began his project of recording his memoirs for them. Following his retirement, Ev went through every bit of documentation he could find, from his mother's baby book to reports he had written at work, to recapture as much of his life as possible. Old pictures were the source of many of his memory kick-starts. Each tale seemed to rekindle a new story,lurb and bugle corps to world and he spent most of his time just chuckling about how clearly it all came back to him. Born during World War II and surviving so many traumatic historical events, Ev shows people his life in perspective to many of these historical events and how they shaped him and his growth. From zany antics, and there are many, to tragic circumstances, way too many, his story graphically shows how this complicated man grew into a well-respected teacher, coach, and mentor for so many others. Whether chasing rabbits in a sports car on a golf course or marching endless miles in a drum and bugle corps or helping a close friend learn of his father's death, Ev has a compelling story to tell. And those tales only scratch the surface! Wait until you read about his Winter Carnival experience!

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