Mark Timothy Morgan Early Days. Volume 1 of 5

Mark Timothy Morgan Early Days. Volume 1 of 5

Категория: Художественная литература

Товарная группа: Детективы, триллеры

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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It was on my 17th birthday that I first heard – or felt – God’s voice. In those days, we seemed to have a happy extended family in Anathoth and I was welcome in it. Times are different now…From a family of priests in the peaceful reign of good King Josiah, came a young man, Jeremiah, bringing words from God to his people. It was no message for the fainthearted, either. It was a message of Terror on Every Side!A young king and a young prophet. What could they do together for the people of Israel? Could the disaster be averted?Jeremiah was a prophet of God for over 40 years, warning of judgement on the nation of Judah and all the nations around. Few would listen at all, and fewer still would take him seriously. Jeremiah lived to see the prophecies of destruction come true. No-one would believe his words until it was too late – and then there was Terror on Every Side!Terror on Every Side! The Life of Jeremiah: Volume 1 – Early Days (Volume 1 of 5).Body text size: 9.5ptWritten by Mark Morgan (Bible Tales Online).The words of God came to Jeremiah as a fire, burning within him, and with them, his lifetime mission – a prophet to the nations.Walk with Jeremiah as he begins his life's work. Share his unfolding difficulties: opposition from family, friends and the leaders of the nation. Join him in his struggle to understand God's ways and the value of obedience.Meet King Josiah, one of the greatest kings of Judah and watch as he begins to work with Jeremiah to invigorate and r...

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