Angelica Witherspoon-Cassanova Clip-Clop Chronicles. Stories of a Girl and her Horse Adventures

Angelica Witherspoon-Cassanova Clip-Clop Chronicles. Stories of a Girl and her Horse Adventures

Категория: Дом, семья, быт

Товарная группа: Развитие ребенка

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Set in central Florida, Clip Clop Chronicles follows the journey of Roz, a sassy yet insecure, twelve-year-old, horse-crazy girl, determined to make it to the top of the equestrian world. Nothing and no one will stand in her way. Not her arch nemesis. Not Florida thunderstorms. Not even her family, who thinks riding horses is a sport that Black people just don’t do.When it comes to sports, her very large family shines in all aspects of track and field. Roz runs just slightly faster than a snail. But riding? She’s a budding star. She has everything she needs to make it to the top: a twin sister who always has her back, a best friend who shares her love of horses and her own business to fund her dream.Roz’s savings account is just shy of the amount she needs to compete in her first Beginner Novice event. When her lawn mowing business takes a hit with the latest thunderstorm, her journey turns into an uphill battle she was not planning for. It’s one obstacle after another including a bully begging for a punch in the face!Roz feels like giving up. Until she finds the support and inspiration she needs from the place she thought she would never find it. Her family.Set in central Florida, Clip Clop Chronicles follows the journey of Roz, a sassy yet insecure, twelve-year-old, horse-crazy girl, determined to make it to the top of the equestrian world. Nothing and no one will stand in her way. Not her arch nemesis. Not Florida thunderstorms. Not even her family, who thinks riding horse...

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