A Game of Thrones: The Graphic Novel: Volume 4

A Game of Thrones: The Graphic Novel: Volume 4

Категория: Книги

Товарная группа: Комиксы, манга

Бренд: Harper Voyager

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Bestselling writer Daniel Abraham and acclaimed illustrator ommy Patterson bring their stunning graphic-novel daptation of George R. R. Martin's classic A Game of Thrones о a stunning finish that merits a place alongside the majestic iriginal on the bookshelf of every fantasy fan. The death of King Robert Baratheon and the imprisonment his Hand, Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, has set the great louses of Westeros at one another's throats. In Winterfell, Eddard's eldest son and heir, Robb Stark, las gathered an army and is pushing south, determined to free lis father. Along the way, he pledges to marry the daughter of bord Walder Frey in exchange for a military advantage that lllows him to capture Jaime Lannister - a powerful bargaining :hip to ensure Lord Eddard's safe release. But it is one thing to capture the Kingslayer and quite another to hold him. Meanwhile, in King's Landing, young King Joffrey has other ideas than an exchange of prisoners. Ignoring the advice of his mother, Queen Cersei, he throws oil on the flames of conflict and ignites a conflagration that seems likely to consume not only the Starks but all of Westeros - unless Tyrion Lannister, the Imp, can bring the mad boy-king to heel. Рекомендуем!

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