Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects

Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects

Категория: Компьютеры и интернет

Товарная группа: Компьютерные технологии

Бренд: Apress

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Eclipse and the Rich Client Platform (RCP) together form a leading development platform. It provides a lightweight software component framework based on plug–ins. In addition to allowing Eclipse to be extended using other programming languages, it provides the key to the seamless integration of tools with Eclipse. The RPC gives Eclipse its modularity: Eclipse employs plug–ins in order to provide all of its functionality on top of (and including) the RCP, in contrast to some other applications where functionality is typically hard–coded. RCP apps are platform independent: they can be built for all major operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and Mac from a single code base. And the RCP provides a professional look and feel for applications. Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects is a clear and technical guide for Eclipse developers to help them enhance their knowledge and achieve their goals quickly. The book explains the technical concepts easily and in an engaging way. The text provides plenty of source code and images as learning aids. Several practical projects and case studies are included. What you’ll learn Understand RCP basics, architecture, and foundations. Use and incorporate plug–ins with Eclipse. Design and develop user interface components and work with the Eclipse FormsAPIs. Add and integrate 2D graphics using the Graphical Editing Framework. Build professional–looking and functional reports with Eclipse BIRT. Create visually more dynamic 3D graphics ...

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