Abigail Conley H. Wellness Counseling in Action. A Holistic Approach to Prevention and Intervention

Abigail Conley H. Wellness Counseling in Action. A Holistic Approach to Prevention and Intervention

Категория: Наука и образование

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This innovative text presents a comprehensive review of the theoretical and empirical support for a wellness approach to counseling with current techniques for client assessment, case conceptualization, treatment planning, and intervention. The authors provide holistic strategies for wellness promotion with children, adolescents, and young, midlife, and older adults, as well as in counseling with groups, couples, and families. Each chapter includes reflection questions, learning activities, and resources to deepen readers’ understanding of the content and application to practice. Wellness boosters offer quick methods for clients and counselors to increase their domain-specific and overall well-being. In addition, experienced counselors share their personal experiences implementing wellness interventions in “Practitioner Spotlight” vignettes. A chapter on counselor self-care completes the book. Jonathan H. Ohrt, PhD, is an associate professor and counselor education program coordinator at the University of South Carolina. Philip B. Clarke, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Counseling at Wake Forest University. Abigail H. Conley, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Counseling and Special Education, and an affiliate faculty member in the Institute for Women’s Health, at Virginia Commonwealth University. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.

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