Norman Gysbers C. Career Counseling. Holism, Diversity, and Strengths

Norman Gysbers C. Career Counseling. Holism, Diversity, and Strengths

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Общая психология

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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“This book establishes a new standard. The focus on ‘holism, diversity, and strengths’ sets a fresh direction for the field that will inspire today’s counselors. Distinct from other texts both in terms of style and ease of use, Career Counseling provides a practical model that connects theory, practice, and resources in hopeful and affirming ways, while offering readers new skills and insights.” —Rich Feller, PhD University Distinguished Teaching Scholar, Colorado State University Past President, National Career Development Association “Gysbers, Heppner, and Johnston have continued their excellent contributions to the field with this 4th edition. Their approach is highly practical for counselors in helping diverse clients prepare for and manage the changing workplace and economy. I enthusiastically recommend this book as a must-have resource for counseling professionals and as a textbook for graduate counseling programs.” —Kenneth F. Hughey, PhD Kansas State University “We invite all students, professionals, and researchers to read this volume to enrich their practice, research, and the values by which they should be inspired to persist in being active agents of change in the world.” —Laura Nota, PhD, and the Larios Vocational Psychology Team University of Padova, Italy The latest edition of this bestseller will help both counselors-in-training and experienced clinicians update and expand their existing knowledge and skills in career counseling with clients of all ages and circumstances. Significant attention is placed on expanding the career options and empowering the life choices of women; men; racial and ethnic minorities; gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender clients; clients from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds; and individuals with disabilities. Additional topics discussed include traditional and postmodern career theories and approaches, forming a productive alliance with the client, effective use of assessment inventories and instruments, helping clients respond to changes in the workplace and family

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