Gordon Gribble W. Indole Ring Synthesis. From Natural Products to Drug Discovery

Gordon Gribble W. Indole Ring Synthesis. From Natural Products to Drug Discovery

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Of the myriad of heterocycles known to man, the indole ring stands foremost for its remarkably versatile chemistry, its enormous range of biological activities, and its ubiquity in the terrestrial and marine environments. The indole ring continues to be discovered in natural products and to be employed in man-made pharmaceuticals and other materials. Given the enormous resurgence in indole ring synthesis over the past decade – highlighted by the power of transition metal catalysis – this authoritative guide addresses the need for a comprehensive presentation of the myriad of methods for constructing the indole ring, from the ancient to the modern, and from the obscure to the well-known. Following presentation of the classic indole ring syntheses and many newer methods, coverage continues with indole ring syntheses via pyrroles, indolines, oxindoles, isatins, radical and photochemical reactions, aryne cycloadditions. This extensive volume concludes with the modern transition metal–catalyzed indole ring syntheses that utilize copper, palladium, rhodium, gold, ruthenium, platinum, and other metals to fashion the indole ring Indole Ring Synthesis is a comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date guide to the synthesis of this important heterocycle for organic chemists, pharmaceutical researchers and those interested in the chemistry of natural products.

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