David Zielinski Master Presenter. Lessons from the World's Top Experts on Becoming a More Influential Speaker

David Zielinski Master Presenter. Lessons from the World's Top Experts on Becoming a More Influential Speaker

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Маркетинг, PR, реклама

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For anyone who wants to become a more persuasive and tech-savvy presenter, Master Presenter offers an accessible collection of the best tips, tactics, and hard-won lessons from top presentation skill coaches who write for PresentationXpert newsletter. Designed to be a hands-on resource, the book includes advice drawn from real-world, time-starved businesspeople who create compelling presentations that get results. Now, you too can tap into the power of the little-used, but valuable features of PowerPoint® that can save time or enhance slide design and make your presentation stand out in a crowd. This groundbreaking book also includes practical advice on getting the most from mobile devices to enhance presentations and shows how to apply social media tools like Twitter to aid in delivering compelling messages. Learn how web conferencing can be used not only to reduce travel costs, but to deliver more effective informational, training or motivational presentations across time zones. In addition to putting the spotlight on the high-tech, Master Presenter contains valuable information on the critical low-tech presentation skills. Contributors show how to best use your voice, hands, and body and what it takes to move your listeners to take action when making a well-prepared pitch. And even if you are inexperienced, you can use the book's techniques to become a great storyteller that will win over audiences and help earn you a reputation as a master presenter. Praise for Master Presenter «Master Presenter arms you with the method and magic to present with poise and power. David Zielinski has assembled the best and brightest mentors to teach greatness in business presenting.» —Chip R. Bell, author of Managers as Mentors «Master Presenter is the most comprehensive collection of useful articles I've ever seen in one place. After reading more than 200 books on public speaking in my lifetime and teaching the subject in eight countries, I can easily recommend this book for beginners and seasoned speakers. Great tips on Power

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