Michael Harris Leading the Learner-Centered Campus. An Administrator's Framework for Improving Student Learning Outcomes

Michael Harris Leading the Learner-Centered Campus. An Administrator's Framework for Improving Student Learning Outcomes

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Прочая образовательная литература

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Praise for Leading the Learner-Centered Campus «This book moves far beyond previous thinking about change. Many in higher education want to create more learner-centered campuses but grapple with how to do it. Harris and Cullen show us how to lead the change to more learner-centered campuses—and offer very practical tools for getting there from here. Every campus that takes student learning seriously should be having the conversation that this book advances and supports.» —John Tagg, author, The Learning Paradigm College «This is a dynamite text for all leaders in higher education who want to implement change. It starts with a deceptively simple idea—that change needs to be 'learner-centered,' not just in the classroom, but in every aspect of a campus. Achieving that end is far from simple, but the authors make clear that it's well within reach if readers pay close attention to the wisdom in this book.» —Thomas Ehrlich, senior scholar, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and former president, Indiana University «At a time when most of higher education is seeking effective ways to maximize the value of student-centered learning, Harris and Cullen provide a comprehensive road map for completing the kind of paradigm shift that can accomplish just that … This book merits the attention of everyone with a stake in the future of higher education.» —Anthony J. Diekema, former president, Calvin College «If higher education is going to provide what students will need in the twenty-first century, it'll have to complete the transition from teaching to learning that Barr and Tagg proposed back in 1995. Leading the Learner-Centered Campus is an indispensible resource for professors and administrators who are committed to the success of today's college students.» —Jeffrey L. Buller, author, The Essential College Professor, The Essential Academic Dean, and The Essential Department Chair

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